
Prices of processed black silicon carbide products in China fells

Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-06-30      Origin: Site

Prices of processed black silicon carbide products in China fells

As the original block price has dropped by about 200 yuan/ton in the past month, the mainstream transaction prices of 98% min-segment sand and particle size sand this week are respectively 6,600-6,800 yuan/ton and 8,000-8,200 yuan/ton for acceptance by the manufacturer within 6 months, down by 50 yuan/ton and 100 yuan/ton respectively from the beginning of last week. Due to the strong price of anthracite, the main raw material of black silicon carbide, many industry insiders believe that the price of black silicon carbide processed products in China will remain stable in the coming week.

"The lowest quotation I have received from the supplier for 98%min section sand of black silicon carbide is 6,800 yuan/ton, which is about 50 yuan/ton lower than a week ago," said a consumer in ningxia, who bought 100 tons at 6,800 yuan/ton on Wednesday, compared with 6,850 yuan/ton at the beginning of last week. Near the Spring Festival, he said, most companies need to repatriate funds, weak market demand, lead to the original piece prices fall since the end of October 200 yuan/ton, make processed products with lower price, but the price of ningxia local anthracite is stable over 1700 yuan/ton, black silicon carbide the original cost of market strength, therefore is expected in the coming week, China black silicon carbide raw blocks and processed products prices will remain stable.

The consumer has an annual consumption capacity of 30,000 tons, consuming about 18,000 tons in 2018 and 10,000 tons from January to October in 2019. Consumption in November is expected to be 1,000 tons, unchanged from October, and stocks are now nearly 100 tons.

A producer in shandong province said its current offer for 98% of black silicon carbide sand is 8,300 yuan per ton for six months 'acceptance, up to 100 yuan per ton, down 100 yuan per ton from the bottom line price at the beginning of last week. He revealed that he had received the notification from the supplier to reduce the price of the original block twice in late October and last week, with the reduction range of 100 yuan/ton. Last week, the inventory of the original block was exhausted and 200 tons of the original block were purchased at the new price, so the price of particle size sand was lowered this week. He added that the company expected sales of 200 tonnes in November, about 100 tonnes lower than it had expected at the beginning of the month, and that one customer had postponed an order of 40 tonnes until December because of the bearish price trend this month. Their latest deal was to sell 40 tons of the product at 8,200 yuan per ton on Wednesday, and 20 tons at 8,300 yuan per ton at the beginning of last week. He thinks the market demand is weak, but the market price drop has been realized, and the original block production cost is strong, suppliers do not plan to cut prices this month, so he expects the price of black silicon carbide particle sand in China to hold steady in the coming week. The producer has an annual capacity of 5,000 tons, completed production of about 3,000 tons in 2018, and completed production of about 2,000 tons in january-october 2019. Production is expected to be 200 tons in November, unchanged from October, and stocks are now about 30 tons.